Sunset Valley Acres: Our First 8 Months Off-Grid Part 1 and 2 coming this Week

My wife, myself, and our little one have been living off-grid for 8 months. This week I'll be posting part 1: the summer months + part 2: the winter months. The posts will be about our experience, what we've learned, what we've enjoyed - most of it, and the dislikes - they fade away as we find easier ways to do daily tasks.

The picture below is the winter sun setting in our valley.


In the picture below you can see the rolling hills, the lake, and the solar panels on top of the cabin roof. Coming this week is also a post about sizing up solar panels for controller charging a battery bank or other electricity needs.


We have a modest amount of electricity from the solar panels. Enough to keep the fridge running, with enough left over to charge devices, and as you see below it also provides a little entertainment.


The past 8 months have been a fun adventure, I look forward to sharing my reflections and experiences with you in the upcoming posts :)

One of the great benefits I've found living in the cabin has been observing so much more weather and nature than I used to. Below is a picture of the wonderful experience I had last week at around 5:30 AM when I went outside that morning. This is a picture a full moon setting in the west as the sun is rising behind me in the east.


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Have a great day!

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