HomesteadPhotography Contest #11 - Favorite Garden Plant

I assume that many people will pick a “useful” plant, one that is edible or medicinal, when naming their favorite garden plant. But mine is sentimental… mine is the symbol of my childhood.

My favorite plant is the forget-me-not!

This delicate, sky-blue flower with a vibrant yellow center has always made me happy because of its’ small size and bright colors. You see, there is a large patch of wild forget-me-nots growing along the bank of the shallow creek that winds through Wild Rose Acres. Hot summer days were spent swimming in that creek and I remember picking bundles of these little flowers to place in a tiny, shot-glass sized vases.

It’s so special to me that this is actually the first photo I shared in my “Homesteading Looks Like” photography series almost 8 months ago!

But surprisingly this decorative flower is actually edible as well! Since learning this, I’ve wanted to use the bright blue petals to decorate a cake or some sort of dessert… maybe one day I will finally get around to it and share it with you all!

Thank you to @knowledge-seeker for running the #homesteadphotography contest and giving me the chance to share my favorite plant with you!

Photography by @kiaraantonoviche - please DO NOT share and/or repost without express permission!

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