Copy-write 2018 @phedizzle
I undressed my
Undressed my
Letting my loudness
Be exposed
Where were mine
Shoutings delivered
But indiscriminately
The opportunity posed
Verbiage traveled in all directions
Focusing was illusive
Sycamores dodged
Mine words unconducive
Unswayed by stammering woes
Just beyond the creek
Masked by the Forrest's trees
On the far side
Passed the shadows' sweep
A meadow vastly arose
There stood a trunk--Twas sturdy
Catching wind of mine distress
Passionately flailing so blurry
Roots aquifer deep but not stressed
The Gentle Giant's attention bestowed
Projecting a solemn sound
Came a rumble through solid ground
Of comfort personified
Empathy expressed alongside
For the Weeping Willow itself knows
Bantered we did
Back and forth our sorrow
Tales of the past
Hopes of tomorrow
Exchanging our Ego's throes
The whispering winds
Of Willow waited
Until the last moments
Our souls debated
Lastly the heart of wood consoled
Willow said the Sun might set
On a daily basis
Yet in the morning again
It will shine on our faces
So always reach for the light when it glows
That's all for now. Until the next post... If you are interested in reading previous poems, check out the following: