Brand New Chickens!!

As I mentioned in a previous post, we had to up our chicken timeline by about 6 months. A good friend of mine was going through a divorce and wanted to lighten her chore-load (and I'm sure save money by not buying feed all winter).

There was an old shed back in the woods that was full of trash, but a really good size. My plan was to move it closer to the house, build nesting boxes and an enclosed run for them and use it as a chicken coop. So with this new timeline, we cleaned out the trash, saved anything worth saving, and went to work.

This was our attempt at moving it:

What you can kinda see at the end of the video is the back wall completely giving out. It was so termite damaged, it wasn't structurally sound enough. My husband was secretly glad. He much preferred just knocking it down.

I JUST missed him smiling and nodding at the camera :)

So off to Tractor Supply we ran to buy a coop. Do NOT trust them when they say it can be put together in 90 minutes with just a screwdriver. It was a pain to put together -- hence no pictures or videos. But we got it finished on Friday, and went to pick up the newest employees Saturday.

We transported them in dog crates covered by a blanket so they wouldn't get blown around too much.


Meet the chickens!

I'm not sure what all of their breeds are, I'm not even sure how many we got! I think 12-13? I DO know we have two roosters that are actually very sweet. The bantam rooster crows every morning and Baby Jack (who was afraid of them at first) giggles and imitates him whenever he does.



This beautiful little lady may be my favorite!


Our first eggs!

I've been bugging the crap out of them and checking their nesting boxes every hour on the hour. :) It's like Christmas morning whenever you open the nesting box and see a brand new egg!

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