Switchel Recipe - The Amish Gatorade


Today's post is short and sweet - just like the drink we're making! Switchel (aka haymaker's punch) is the Amish version of Gatorade. It has all of the nutrition and electrolytes you need after a long, hot summer day of making hay to replenish your energy-stores.

The earliest recording of switchel in America goes back to the 1600's where it was called "switchy" or "ginger water". Very simply, switchel is a combination of ginger, molasses (or maple syrup or honey) and apple cider vinegar.

Why these three ingredients?


Ginger has been proven to reduce inflammation and helps your muscles recover.


Not only does molasses contain a ton of sugar (which your body needs as a source of quick energy), it also contains 113% of your daily amount of Vitamin B6. Your body uses B6 to convert the sugar to energy, as well as make seratonin.

In addition to a source of quick energy and B6, molasses also contains potassium and manganese. One up of molasses contains 141% of your daily amount of potassium and 258% of manganese!

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar also contains potassium, amino acids and antioxidants.

Here's my favorite recipe for switchel, but feel free to switch it up! Add sparkling water, or whiskey (after you're done working...) or berries or mint!


1 inch block of ginger sliced thinly
1 cup sliced strawberries
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup apple-cider vinegar
6-8 cups water



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