Homemade cosmetics: sugar scrub / この夏シュガースクラブを作りはじめました

Sugar Scrub 1

In the beginning of this summer I wanted to scrub my feet and face. I went to see scrub cosmetics in drug stores and bio stores. It was around the time "plastic micro-beads" was a topic on Japanese news and I become a bit more aware of what to use.


I couldn't find an ideal one and thought about making by myself. I found on the Internet sugar scrub is popular. And yey, it's just sugar and oil, which I have in my kitchen.


I just mix cane sugar and olive oil roughly so that it's easy and comfortable on skin. A TV program by Japanese public TV introduced a recipe of 1tbsp oil and 1 tbsp sugar. They added 1 tsp honey and few drops of essential oil in addition. But I'm not sure general essential oils are appropriate for facial use. Actually it's said the scrub for elbows, knees and feet without mentioning facial use. Anyway I don't have them and simple is best.

混ぜる割合などいろいろあると思うのですが、使いやすいのびのよさ、がさがさを落としてくれそう具合のよい塩梅で混ぜています。NHKの番組では油大さじ1、砂糖大さじ1で、さらにはちみつ小さじ1、エッセンシャルオイル数滴を加えていました。・・・が、どうやら肘膝かかとが対象のもののようで、顔にも使えるとは言っていなくて、エッセンシャルオイルは顔にむかない?むくのもあるのかな。いずれにせよそんなオシャレなものはうちにはないので略。はちみつはあるものの、入れないレシピもちらほらでこれまた略。Simple is best.

アロマで手づくりコスメ シュガースクラブ | どーがレージ | NHKオンライン

I made the sugar scrub few times this summer and used 1-2 times in a week. I like its simplicity and I can make it with low budget everywhere in the world. And I'm satisfied with the result. I feel my skin become smooth. Also it's nice that I can make smaller amount time by time to keep it fresh. Now it stays in our bathroom :)


Sugar Scrub 2

I'm happy to gain this kind of DIY or homesteading techniques in many fields through out my life and increase things I can do by myself without relying on big companies, which give often negative impact to the environment and the society. I wish I can share some of them to my daughter :)

こういう人生を通して使える小技やできることを増やして、環境や社会に大きな影響を与える巨大企業や産業にあまり依存しないで生きていけたらと思っています。子どもにも教えられたらいいな :)

※ Final (boring) mandatory note: Everyone has own skin condition. This post doesn't strongly recommend you to make and use sugar scrub. If you notice something wrong on your skin. Pleas stop using it immediately and see a doctor.

※ 最後におきまりの一文を。この投稿はシュガースクラブを強くすすめるものではありません。肌のコンディションや肌質は人によって違うので、もし使って何か不調を感じたらすぐに使うのをやめてお医者さんに診てもらってください。

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