Is Homesteading Right For You?

After watching multiple homesteads utterly fail to get past the basics, I cant help but wonder why someone would so quickly give up on their dreams.

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Recently multiple neighbors of mine decided this life wasnt right for them. Both families had made it through the winter and without an indoor heat source. one of them planted a garden and got chickens. the other tore down an old barn and cleared out a decent chunk of their property. they were making it! but the hardships piled up and instead of using their accomplishments as a motivator they focused on the difficulties. in the end gas money was the excuse for one of the families and a tick bite was what finished the other.

preparing yourself for such large changes such as going off grid can involve alot of dreaming, and that is important, but please dont let the dreams delude you into ignoring how challenging this life can be. This life can be amazing, its up to you.

most people over estimate what they can accomplish in the first year homestead and under estimate their accomplishments for their five year mark. remember that and dont let the little setbacks hold you back!

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