Black Thumb Chronicles : Day 5

Here we are, 5 days after we planted our bag garden and I gotta say....


It's not doing too bad at all!!!

I was concerned about a few things like maybe the bag won't drain well (tomatoes need good drainage!) or maybe there's just not enough room for all the plants to grow, but it looks like they are happy.

See how the leaves look "up" more in the day 5 photo?

It definitely looks a lot greener now! I really thought they were all going to die!

Here's close ups of each bag.

Lettuce, Basil, Marigold & Chives


The big head of lettuce has turned colour, not sure what it means but it looks like it's ready for harvest.

The marigold, chives and basil all looking happy. Yay! Wasn't sure if they were going to make it.

I did lose 2 little lettuce leaves over the 5 days and it seems the other 2 aren't far behind.

Capsicum, Marigold and Eggplants


The marigold is doing well in this bag despite the few droopy leaves at the bottom.

I wish I could say the same for the eggplant. Out of all my plants the eggplant is the only ones with holes on the leaves. They're little holes and it hasn't been eaten completely but I'm wondering what's attacking it

The capsicum is just glorious with it's new flowers and the two heads look like they're growing, although you can only see one of them in the photo below.


Basil, Tomato and Marigold


This bag, for me, displayed the most noticeable growth and improvement. Everything in this bag is more alive.

The basil are standing tall, it's leaves bright and pointing up to the sun.

The marigold bloomed and is now displaying all it's petals.

And that tomato plant in the middle sure looks taller!

Marigold, Tomatoes, Basil and Beans


I have a feeling this could be my problem bag. Already I can see where I may have gone wrong ~ too many plants not enough room?

The marigold looks much better now than it did 5 days ago so do the tomatoes and basil.... to a degree anyway.

The beans have grown but a couple of the leaves have turned brown.

It's also happening to a few of the others too.


Too much sunlight you think? I'm thinking of moving them.

The most pleasant surprise came in the form of seedlings this morning!

Check out my Bee and Butterfly tray!


YASSS!! šŸ‘‘

The French Marigold has kicked off too!


Teeny little lettuce seedlings! Can you see them?


Also teeny tiny alyssyms!


Can a sister get a high five!! āœ‹
I was soooo happy to see all the seedlings!

Unfortunately still no action from

  • Nono's Lettuce
  • Creeping Thyme "Purple Rain"
  • Nono's Pomodoro

I'm guessing the thyme is just slow and it's not a seed issue since I bought it and the alyssum at the same time.

Nono's seeds I'm a bit worried about because we have had them 3 houses ago. We're looking at between min 4 to 7 years ago that we've had these seeds for. šŸ˜±

I really hope they come up. It's one of the few things we have to remember him by.



I will need to observe the browning of the leaves and see if it happens to more plants.

I will probably observe for a day before I make a move. Just in case it is getting burnt by the sun, I want to minimise the damage and rescue them before it gets worse.

The holes on the plants I have no idea about.

This little fella sat by me while I was taking photos (apparently they help with the pest control too) and I wondered if he was taking a break, because he really needs to stand guard of the plants and eat the creature putting holes on my leaves.


He eventually scuttled off over the other side of the wall. I guess it's his day off.

Lastly, I need to look into buying mulch this weekend to put over the soil.

I'm not so much concerned about grass or weeds making it in the bag soil, but more to try and retain moisture.

I usuall water late in the afternoon, some times on a super hot day, I'll water early in the morning.

Eventually, once these babies are in the ground, I want to get them to the point where I won't even need to water them.

Eventually. Maybe then I can rename this series to Green Thumb Chronicles?

Got gardening tips? Please pop them in the comments, I need them!

šŸŒ» Arly

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