Black Thumb Chronicles : Stage 2 of the lasagna and bursting bag gardens.

It's been 2 weeks since we began the lasagna. Over that time we've had steamy hot days, rainy days and cold days which has resulted to this.


and this


Yay! Look at them all!!!

I can safely say bag planting works. However, as you can see, I've over planted and I need to either buy more soil bags and move some of the plants over (but then is it still companion planting?) or get the lasagna happening and move them all over.

And by the looks of this, lasagna it is!

(This has been sitting in pieces on the deck for weeks!)

As usual, I hit up my fave YouTube gardener James Prigioni and began looking for the video where he laid out the cardboard to prepare the lasagna, just to refresh my memory.

Here it is..

This is one of my favourite gardening videos. He explains it so well and goes through why he does what he does. If it wasn't for this video I wouldn't have known to take all the tape off my boxes.

If you're a budding gardener like me but don't know where to start, give this video a go. Our lasagna set up is loosely based on this video.

The Bag Gardens

Have I told you guys how much joy I get from watching my garden grow? I often take time outs from my busy day to see how everything is going and it feels like each time I come out something has grown that little bit more.

Like the capsicums.


How flipping huge is that one?!! The other one behind the leaf is getting pretty big too. I often wonder if the stem will break at the rate these babies are growing but I figured nature's got this.

The lettuce has exploded into this beautiful vibrant green.



And my marigolds!


Every single marigold plant has a bulb ready to bloom any day now and there's plenty more bulbs forming, too many to count now.

(Look at the bees and butterfly mix, and the french marigolds!!)

It's hard to believe it's Autumn with the garden growing like it is. Now is when we are meant to get the lasagna in place so that by Spring it should be ready. It's just as well that we're going to Bunnings this weekend to get some materials and more plants.

I'm learning all about perennials and annuals at the moment, trying to select mostly perennials for the garden but we'll see what makes it on the shopping list tomorrow.

Do you have a favourite perennial plant? If so, which is it and why?

šŸŒ¼ Arly

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