Kokedama Update

It's been a couple of weeks since we started this project. A couple of weeks! I had visions of the thing being all done in a matter of days but sadly it didn't roll that way.

Sometime during the move we lost the varnish tin. I was sure I knew where it was, but it wasn't there so last weekend we finally bought a new tin and got to work on the stick we'll be hanging the kokedamas from


Putting several coats on this was important, not only will it waterproof the stick and give it a nice red tint, I'm hoping it will also bind the cracks and keep the stick together. If by the time the lacquer coat is done and it's still looking like it will snap, I'll have to resin it back together.

If I'm doing the resin, I'll be adding glow in the dark pigments.

Care and Maintenance


I've been a little slack with the indoor plants. I really thought they'd be easier to look after being in the bathroom and everything but I've neglected them.

If you look at the violet (pic on the left hand side) it looks almost dead. However the fern has come back and check out the colours on that baby! This plant is showing me that its not just the flowers that bring in colour.

The orchid, well... It will be like that for a while. Apparently they take years to flower. I almost got another one but remembered this is no instant gratification plant.

Even the air plants were struggling.


These guys need to be soaked in water every week in Summer and every second week in colder months. This is the first time I've soaked them since I got them.

I think I may have over estimated how moist the bathroom gets or maybe it's the weather and when Winter kicks in it'll all work out how I imagined. I'm hoping that's the case.

In other news

We're getting ready to extend the garden.

There's so many things that need to have it's own space in the garden. Like the tray of sage that needs to go in ground so it can grow and I can harvest sage sticks. Then there's all those capsicum seedlings and the seeds I planted last weekend... that I still need to blog about.

It will have to wait another day.

It's Anzac Day today

Lest we forget.

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