The Endless Stair... A study in winging-it!

Behind our house is woods, actually all around our house but especially behind us, and it's a major part of our one acre homestead.. But after living here a while, we noticed that we don't go up there much..

I knew that in order to live and prosper on one acre, every bit of land would have to be put to good use, but any time I thought about doing something up there it would always come to nothing in the end.

We needed access.. A clear and defined way in and out.


We know a good deal about herbology and wild plants, and to this end the knowledge was a hindrance. The woods are absolutely full of rare and useful plants and I was too busy making sure I didn't step on any of them to be either quick paced or productive.

To this end..

About a year ago I started work on the stairs. Had a few people gave me odd looks as it led nowhere..

It just was..

I knew at some point it would take us places, but those were unknown to me at the time. 'Opportunities will present themselves,' I thought, never being one to go in for the concept of useless land..
Just opportunities to be creative.

A year later the stairs are still a work in progress but they are finally starting to lead somewhere...

We have the mushroom logs. (Still a work in progress. I will do a separate post on them later.)


The honey bees.


And the shed.


The stairs aren't endless, as it pertains to never ending, but the possibilities are endless.

Who knows where they may yet take us.

-'The Digger'

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