Life On a Farm - Handling the Winter Snow on the Homestead

We were not expecting this huge snow storm that came through our family farm! It really caught everyone off guard here in Alabama. The weather people were way off on their prediction, bc all we heard all week was that we were going to get lots of rain, with a little snow flurries mixed. No accumulation, or it there was any snow accumulation, it was only going to be 1/8 of an inch. Boy were they wrong! We ended up with over 5 inches of snow, which never happens here in central Alabama. It ended up snowing all day & all night here, starting around 6:30 in the morning, & continuing well into the next morning, & I am no weatherman, but IMO, if it hadn't rained so much & that the ground was not so wet, it would have been way more snow accumulation than we got.

So of course we were not ready at all on homestead for this wintery snow. But as I went and did the daily farm chores, all the animals & livestock were just fine. They were not out about like they typically would be on a normal day here on the farm, but they did adjust and handled the snow just fine. Now the pigs & ducks seemed like the snow did not really bother them at all, but the goats & chickens decided it would be best if they just stayed indoors for the day. Oh and our farm dogs! The farm dogs thought the snow was the best thing in the world! I mean they LOVED the snow.

But I was able to do our daily farm chores & was able to feed & water all the animals & livestock...of course the daily routine was just a little different this day bc of all the snow we got, but it was actually a lot of fun!

The day wasn't all about the farm chores, after all the homestead chores got taken care off, we did have lots & lots of fun playing in the snow! Sledding, snow angels, snowmen, & just walking around & trying to take it all in. All the beauty we were surrounded by. The winter wonderland was just breathtaking & I am so happy we got to experience this rare event here in the southeast, & I am happy my daughter got to experience it as well, bc I know, there is a really great chance that she will not see another snow day like we had in a very long time to come, if not ever!

I hope you enjoyed this video about our life on our homestead & we will see y'all on the next video!-Thank you!!

Contact Us:
Cog Hill Farm
PO Box 2204
Selma, AL 36701

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