Hey everyone, I make regular aquaponics posts, I am truly passionate about this amazing yet simple technology! There truly is no better more cost effective and brilliant way to grow food both protein as well as vegetables in a closed looped system, where plants and fish work in symbiosis. If you have never heard of aquaponics do be sure to follow my aquaponics posts. I have posted many in the past and will continue to do so going forward. As per wikipedia check out the basic definitions of Aquaponics here --->>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquaponics
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The whole system from the outside with the sides open to expel excess heat!
A pic taken from further back showing the DWC growing plants in this case basil lettuce and chives as well as the fish tanks bottom of the pic.
This is a double storey system the bottom pic is the bottom part and the above pic is the 'upper deck' Maximized growing space. Sheer Brilliance!
A rather elaborate plumbing system to effectively distribute the nutrient rich water throughout the system...
Here we have loose leave lettuce growing in 75mm grow baskets in a DWC (Deep water culture) setup..
Here we have lots of glorious aquaponically grown sweet basil. One of the cool things about this system is their double growing pools thus using space efficiently and for maximum production and output.
The fish tanks which house the tilapia (in this system) many different fish species are used globally depending on many factors from climate to water temps plant types and more.
Be sure to pop in regularly for more updates.
Have a wonderful weekend.