Daddykirbs, What do you do for a living?

This is what I do. This is my day job... when I'm not on the homestead.

Self-Service Kiosk Company - Graphic Designer

Everyone needs a way to pay the mortgage and this gig has worked for me. 17 years coming up this February I've been working with DynaTouch as a designer.

Most often I'm posting stories about my Daddykirbs Farm adventures. I get a lot of questions... a LOT OF QUESTIONS!

  1. How do you make Kombucha?
  2. What breeds of chickens do you own?
  3. Are your bees angry?
  4. How do you collect honey without an extractor?
  5. How do you collect honey with an extractor?
  6. How is Maggie the horse doing?

Those are some very typical questions, but this one comes up a lot too:

What do you do for a living?

(or, is YouTube your only job?)

Well, YouTube does NOT pay very well when you are a small-time creator like myself so the answer to that is NO! LOL

Since 2001 I've been working with DynaTouch doing all kinds of artwork. Some of it is for screen display like; screen savers, menu layout, user experience and other special custom work as the customers need it. I also do a lot of work for marketing material and kiosk design.

We get a chance to work with a lot of very interesting customers that need self-service kiosks. Here are some that are in the office right now.

The Queuing / Customer Flow Management Kiosk. This is one of our hottest products right now, especially in the Government markets.

Here's some that are back in the shop getting prepared for shipment.

What I do for these kiosks is often very broad, so I can sum it up quickly with this. If there is anything pretty on the kiosk I probably had something to do with it!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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