No YouTube LIVE Show Today - This Time It Is Luke...

How ironic that yesterday I wrote a post describing Luke's challenge with his health and his bout with pneumonia last January.

After that post my friend and YouTube moderator, @weetreebonsai , sent me a message asking if I had seen her post about Grounding. I had seen that. In fact I watched the entire video embedded in her post. It was very fascinating.

Luke wasn't feeling well yesterday so we tried it. We spend 15 minutes directly connected to the Earth with our bare feet. (Luke's feet are the pretty one's in the middle). For me this was a soothing experience, but for Luke it was too little too late.

All day Luke was just not well. I mean, even more not well than his normal not well. Mamakirbs ( @findingjoy ) was so stressed out about what to do. She knew that Luke was getting worse, but his vitals were not "that bad" and there were no extreme obvious symptoms. But she still knew that something bigger was going on.

Last night around midnight Luke had a slight fever and his heart rate was up. Last January when this was going on we probably waited to long because we didn't want to be the "crazy" parents in the ER. Well, this year... crazy or not... Mama and Luke headed out. I stayed home with 2 other kids.

It turns out that Mamakirbs was right. Luke is being admitted this morning into the hospital with Pneumonia. This time, however it was caught a little earlier. Hopefully that makes for a shorter visit and quicker recovery.

My YouTube audience will likely get accustomed to me missing the show and eventually drop it from their routine, but I'm ok with that. YouTube and other adventures have taken too much time from my family over the years. I don't want to miss being there for Mama and the kids when she needs me.

We are praying for recovery! The homesteading and gardening adventures will return. Luke will have his hands and feet in his garden again soon!

Thank you for being a very supportive community!

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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