Wrapped Up In Love - How Is Luke?

A team of ladies at a local church have this passionate ministry to make prayer blankets. They get a need passed along to them and they go to action. Someone in the group makes these special blankets, then as a team of warriors they pray over the blanket. This blanket then becomes an extension of their love and prayers. They believe that when we are wrapped up in Love we have all we need to face the challenges.

Luke received this blanket not long ago when he was facing other physical challenges. Right now we are leaning on the love of Christ and the prayers of others to help us as parents get through this. We are trying to lean on God's Love and the the strength and peace that are available through that. It's not easy.

I love that this blanket is a symbol of Love that others are willing to share.

What other symbols are there? Well, it's so nice for me as a creator (sharer) to lean on many people like y'all (That's Texan for You All 😉 ). This community and others that I participate in are expressing love and concern for Luke. Many prayers, well wishes and good vibes are being lifted in Luke's name. Thank you for being a part of that.

How Is Luke?

Naturally this is a very common question. I totally appreciate every time someone cares enough to ask and listen. The challenge for me is how to answer that. I don't always know what words to use.

Luke is not well. He is refusing to eat and drink. We don't know if that is just him being a sickie-poo or if there is something greater going on. He is still having fevers. His discomfort is not always perfectly evident since he never complains. When someone says "Does that hurt?" or "Are you in pain?" Luke's answer is "No". Yesterday evening I asked him how he is feeling and he said "Better". This is one of his typical responses to that question. The other answer is "Good".

Yesterday it was nice that Luke asked for Herry, his service dog, to come visit. We haven't wanted to keep Herry there full time since it presents other logistical challenges... like taking him out often. Herry is a source of comfort even though Luke doesn't express it well.

For now all I can do is pray for my son, support my wife and lean on Love. Thank you for being a part of that.

This Steemit channel will not forever be about this subject, but for now it is my life.

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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