FREE FOOD FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK (and bonus survival stuff for you!)

When some people go out in their yard, they see weeds. But I see food! Today I show you three forage foods that are edible for livestock, but I want to note that we have chickens, ducks, pigs, and cows. If you want to feed other animals such as sheep, goats, or your pet horses, please do research on what grows in your area and what can be toxic to your animals.


Here we have a large metal can filled with goodies for my pigs! It's a 30-gallon can and took my son and I less than 10 minutes to fill. What's in it?


American Beauty Berry

A wild and abundant shrub that grows well in Florida. The leaves can be used as mosquito repellant when lightly crushed and rubbed on clothing or skin. The ripe berries can be used for making jelly and tea. I place the limbs around the pig pen to keep skeeters off them at night.


Wild Grape Vine

These vines grow EVERYWHERE. If there's a 60-foot oak, they are in it! The vines on this farm were noted to have been here since the 1800s but I'd venture to say they've been here much longer.


The Spaniards may have been the ones to bring these awesome survival vines to Florida! Cut open a vine, and there's pure water!


Broadleaf Plantain or Dock (waiting for positive ID)

This livestock lifesaver grows wherever there's filtered sunlight and some leaf decay. The nutrients and sunlight that is captured in these leaves are nothing short of magical for our livestock! We hope it helps yours too! As a survival tool, let's just say you might want to keep these growing near the outhouse too...0627171219.jpg

Stay tuned for more homesteading, prepping, survival, and family posts! And most of all, HAVE A HAPPY DAY!


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