Today is a monumental day for Farmstead Smith! We've gotten OUR FIRST EGG! It's like, a legit egg too! Not even a bitty fart egg! Ha. It's about the size of a medium egg you'd buy at the grocery store!

Finally these ladies are picking up their slack! Showing that some are done being freeloaders! I think this might mean we're real farmers now! Ha.

So, on average chickens start laying age at around 20 weeks of age. That is a long time to be feeding and caring for these turds. So much anticipation. And **TODAY** we finally have our very first egg, ever! I wish I knew who laid it! Haha. I *think* it might be from one of the Australorps... but no way to tell...

I am really hoping that it wasn't one of my Easter Eggers cause I was really really hoping that they would lay their supposed blue or green eggs, sometimes you just don't get that though, Easter Eggers are a toss up in that arena.

Of course, I had to call and text everyone I knew! I talked my grandparents and my grandma asked me "Well, are you gonna eat it, or just look at it?"

I just have one egg, Grandma! I'm gonna stare at it for a bit. Obviously. hahahaha.

This morning the chickens were making their egg song. I was excited to hear that but they have been making the egg song (squawks really... It's not pretty ha) for a couple weeks now, and one of my gals has been doing the chicken squat. So, I really wasn't expecting anything... But I went out and checked JUST in case.

I didn't find an egg then.

An hour or two later, I went out to go fill their water, and TA-FREAKING-DA! There's an egg!! An egg that isn't a fake egg! The fakes are the ones with smiley faces on... haha. I added that personal touch.

As far as I know, this is the first egg!! Like I said, they have been showing signs of lay for a couple of weeks, but after research I found that sometimes they're just preemptive... Ha. They like to get me excited and disappoint me all in the same minute. Haha. I guess it's practice.

I was betting that they would lay eggs under the coop. They spend a lot of time down there because it's pretty warm here. It would have been my luck that they lay anywhere except the nesting box. I am thankful I was wrong!

I am so happy she laid in the nesting box. This tells me that they feel safe enough in there, and I am happy to provide that security for them! Though, I may have to take a second look around their frequent hang out areas, just in case I've missed an egg. Ha

Waiting for them to start laying eggs is probably the most difficult part of raising chickens!

I, of course, had to tell my own mom (I called her momma chicken well before chickens were even in my future! hahaha) about the egg, she was happy to greet her first great grand baby egg. Bahahah

And yes, the egg has been sitting by me at the computer the whole time.

As always @farmstead here blogging from FarmsteadSmith!


Photos by me using my iPhone 6s, unless stated otherwise!

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