Fried Dandelion Flowers Recipe


• 1 egg
• 1 cup milk
• 1 cup flour (or 1/2c flour and ½c bread crumbs
• ½ tsp salt
• ½ tsp pepper
• About 40 dandelion flowers with stalk removed
• Oil for your frying pan

Step 1

In a skillet, add enough oil to allow the entire flower to be submerged. You can do this in a deep fryer if you choose. Heat the oil while completing the other steps.

Prepare the dandelion flowers

Remove the stalk and the lower leaves from each flower. It is up to you if you want to remove the upper leaves that remain tight against the flowers. The lower leaves are bitter. The upper leaves are not anywhere near as bitter and many people leave them on because they are a little harder to remove.
Rinse flowers well in clean water, drain and gently towel dry. You do not want them to be wet. It can make your oil pop when the water hits it and it can leave bubbles or holes in your finished product.

Step 2

Mix the egg and milk in a bowl

Mix the flour and spices in a separate bowl

Step 3

Dip 1 single flower into the egg & milk mixture, then roll in the flour mixture to cover. Drop bloom side down into your oil.

Fry until golden brown, turning once.


• Add your favorite spices to build a flavor you already lover. Some do a spicy Mexican style, Italian style or whatever you prefer.
• Add sugar to make a sweet treat.
• Use corn meal or your favorite gluten free flour instead of wheat flour.
• Trying to reduce fat in your diet? Make your batter a little thinner so it is thicker on your flowers, then bake instead of fry.
• Finely chop the flowers and add them to a cake or pancake batter.

The only wrong way to make these is if you and your family does not like the finish product. Go wild trying out new ideas that use the herbs and spice common to your part of the world.

While writing this article, the thought came to me to try making them with coconut flower, adding a little Stevia. Then top each only with a little chocolate frosting. I think I will try it next spring.

I’d love to hear from anyone that has other ideas they use on making these. I would love to be able to make them with flavors from around the world!

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