Why we chose homesteading?!

This morning the fog has given me another chance to see the world differently. I am sure that we can all agree that life is not always puppy dogs and rainbows. Not saying good or bad, but more how we see things. When I look at our homestead I see victory. I see hard work, commitment, and accomplishment.

Perhaps my mind is only speaking to me using satire and sarcasm this morning. The fog has cast a grim light on some awesome work.

When we think about homesteading we used to think about something resembling an old time pioneer on the open range. Now days it is more of a rosey picture painted on social media by modern homesteaders that are documenting their adventure with nice equipment. At freedom point we are about persective. It is ever changing and it always keeps things exciting.

Definition of homesteading by Dictionary.com

an act or instance of establishing a homestead.

Also called homesteading program, urban >homesteading.a federal program to improve >deteriorating urban areas by offering >abandoned or foreclosed houses to persons >who agree to repair them and live in them for a >specified number of years.

Definition of _homestead_on Dictionary.com

[hohm-sted, -stid]
a dwelling with its land and buildings, >occupied by the owner as a home and >exempted by a homestead law from seizure or >sale for debt.

any dwelling with its land and buildings where >a family makes its home.

Technically by the last definition it is any dwelling that you live in. The first definition describes it well as repairing and living in a house on land for a while.

This would give a pretty accurate idea of what we are doing. Not that we have any special types of tax exemptions or had been given any distressed property. On the other hand...we bought the distressed property. We repaired the land and made it something. We initially didn't know that we were going to homestead, or start homesteading, or even that the course of our lives were going to change. We ledt the city with the hopes of being free. Free from everything we had previously known. Not that we were running away, but running toward something.

We were met with opportunity. We were presented with a blank canvas to paint our dreams on. In our time here we have grown into something else. Crunchy and a willingness to voluntarily go without. This might be something that is unique to us, but I don't think it is.😉

We didn't start our journey with the idea of glorifying the use of an outhouse, and the benefits that come from it.

We didn't think that solid recycled pallets would be an ideal building material for out buildings.

We didn't set out to clean up after others, and the damage they had done to the area.

We also didn't set out to learn first hand just how clean our clothes would get when we washed them on a rock.

We didn't think about owning animals and all of the things that come with it. Manure and death.

We didn't plan to go without showering for a week, or using a water hose outside when we did clean up.

We had no idea that we wanted to pretty much get involved with any activity that would beat us down and grind us into the ground.

We had no idea that bathing in a river was even a thing.

This might seem like it is doom and gloom. Is it because you are trying to see tone in my text? Is it because you have shared in some of these things and have already had an opinion about it.


We had an interesting opportunity to learn about humanure and pooping responsibly. Why it is good for the planet.

We learned all about strong and durable building material. In this case, it is oak pallets that are pre built rectangles

We got the opportunity to help clean up the messes that someone else has created. We uncover new trash all the time, and we know it is always better to clean it up.

We learned about the satisfaction of handwashing clothes. The science behind chemicals and sunlight.

We were able to learn all about animal husbandry. We learned details of animal care and what to do with them if they die. We learned of the great benefits of all of the manure for our garden.

We learned about how the body changes when you shower less. The chemical changes and how your body regulates. The feeling of taking a cold water hose shower outside on a hot summer evening is something I wish everyone could experience!

The physical activity that has beaten us into the ground has really helped us. We have gained perspective on how little we actually did before we moved here. We have been given the chance to learn about our bodies and how they work.

About bathing in a river..... are you kidding.....clay bottom, crystal clear water. It looks like you could come up from rinsing the soap out of your hair and see a deer drinking. How many people can say they have even seen this, let alone get in it! Amen.

This is just a view from an accidental homesteader. The adventure is far from over. The journey is just beginning. Everyday we read great posts about homesteading, and love the lifestyle. I am glad I got a chance to pull back the curtain a little for you to see inside. I hope you continue to enjoy our perspective as we navigate this wild world!

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