Homestead Happiness is Fulfilling a Calling

For me homesteading is a calling and I feel the happiest whenever I'm pursuing homesteading related activities since it makes me feel right with our Father. If you aren't a person of faith, this might not resonate with you, feel free to skip it or to read on, I hope you can find some value in it anyway.

Abundant Peace

In many ways, I believe homesteading is about creating an abundant life, full of food, joy and peace. For some, it's a path they chose to walk because of convictions concerning food, independence or maybe even based on fear. To me, fear is the worst motivator for this lifestyle and I don't think you'll find a lot of happiness if you act out of fear.
For others, it's a deep, innate calling, that lures us to the land like a Sirene the sailor into the sea. I felt that calling as a child, but wasn't able to articulate it. Now I know exactly who placed that calling in my life.

(Photo by Felix Russell-Saw on Unsplash)

Abundant Challenges

You probably know how it goes, if you pray for more patience (which I have to do a lot) the Most High will bring you challenges that test your patience because it's the only way to grow. For many years I prayed for a homestead and I was unhappy with what I had. One challenge after another surfaced and the likelihood of me ever getting any acreage shrank with each one. One day, after spending time in the Word, the Lord started a new work in my heart and I slowly began to understand that like in the parable of the talents, which I had just finished reading, I couldn't just bury my talent in the sand and expect to be given a homestead, instead I had to prove I was worthy of one.

Finding Peace

I started learning new skills left and right. I took up sewing, spinning, baking, cooking in new ways, foraging and so much more. Instead of feeling stuck, I began to value the time our Father was providing me to educate myself. I would read books on topics that I still to this day never think I'll dabble in, like aquaponics, but the more I learned, the more I educated my self and ultimately the more I began doing - the more at peace I felt.

(Photo by Allie Dearie on Unsplash)

So What is Homestead Happiness?

To me, homestead happiness is the feeling I get when I churn my own butter, although it's from store bought cream. It's the feeling I get when I teach my son about nature. It's the feeling I get when I preserve food from our foraging adventures. In short, homestead happiness is fulfilling the calling the Most High put on my heart - doing what I can, with what I have, where I am.

What does homestead happiness mean to you?

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