Chicken Entertainment

If your chickens are kept in a run, providing them with things to occupy them is important to prevent negative boredom behaviors like picking. Some ideas are:

Mirror wreaths - hens2 crop Dec. 2017.jpg
String behind hen has a cabbage hanging from it

Mirror wreaths - grapevine5 crop Dec. 2017.jpg

Chicks - 26 days old, like roost1 crop May 2016.jpg
Roost in brooder

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Layers - going to bed2 crop July 2017.jpg
Roosts made of different materials and at different heights

Hen on coop door5 crop Sept. 2017.jpg
Not exactly what I had in mind…..

Hens Christmas tree crop March 2018.jpg
An old Christmas tree to rest under

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A swing set about 16” off the ground

Various feeders with greens, herbs, vegetables:

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Basket for greens or soft vegetables

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Cabbage on a string and root veg garland

Alfalfa mash with herbs crop Dec. 2017.jpg
Alfalfa mash with mixed dehydrated herbs/forbs/flowers

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Peanut butter or suet and nut feeders

Clean coop - what did you do to the nest boxes crop July 2016.jpg
Fresh herbs hung up

Sprouted corn crop.jpg
Trays of sprouted grains

Provide soil covering like straw or dry leaves, or a small amount of old hay. (Too much hay and there’s the chance of crop impaction, as they might try to eat it.)

Hens in maple leaves - Ernie outside, far right crop Oct. 09.jpg
Mix of old hay, garden waste and leaves

Layer pen - new leaves crop July 2016.jpg
Basic leaf covering of pen

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Put in piles of leaves and let them spread them, garden waste behind

Leaf stash crop Nov. 2015.jpg
Start of a year’s worth of leaves

In summer, they need cooling down when temperatures hit the 90’s. Here are some ideas:

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Mixed vegs frozen in bowls of water

Beef stock - packaging up crop2 Sept. 2016.jpg
The frozen remains from stock making, good for our flock of 90 birds

Broilers - wading pool3 crop July 2017.jpg
Seed tray wading pool

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Frozen fruit in water

Other ideas:

Broilers eating 1st blueberries4 crop Aug. 2017.jpg
The blueberry waste from cleaning the berries

Layers - in snake fence crop May 2016.jpg
Protective chicken netting that is moved often

Layers - snake fence up crop March 2016.jpg
First set-up in March, they love it!

Layers with broccoli and marigolds7 crop Oct. 2017.jpg
Garden waste

Thanksgiving dinner - squash seeds crop Nov. 2017.jpg
Pumpkins and squash

New pasture coop - duster box and grit tray2 crop June 2015.jpg

New flock - Australorps,  Cuckoo Marans1 crop Sept. 2016.jpg
Dustbath area

And finally:


Wire basket:
Uploaded on March 2, 2015
No known copyright restrictions

Sprouted corn: Free for commercial use
No attribution required

Frozen veg: @Steven Depolo

Swing: @Schnerres CC0 Creative Commons

Frozen fruits: @Danuta Hulajko

Roosts: @CDC/ Eric Grafman acquired from Public Health Image Library (Website)

Chickens playing xylophone: Empty Nest Chickens Band - YouTube

Seed pinecone: @ Bradley West

Pumpkins: @congerdesign CC0 Creative Commons

Xylophone: @richkidsunite

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