We're Getting Sheep!!!


We've been looking for some wool sheep for a while and were referred to a lady who breeds Romney sheep that just so happened to have some lambs left. We hit the road, narrowly missing a turtle on the highway, and were down there within a few hours! We toured her farm, got to see her setup and all of her sheep. Especially up close when the skies opened up and they all ran under the barn shelter! We picked out two wethers (fixed males) and put our deposit down on them.

This little fella is white, but apparently loves to play dirty!
This guy is black, but the sunlight turns the outer layer of wool brown. He's just about too adorable!


The Road Trip Video

You know us... of course there's a video!


Why Sheep?

  • I'm tired of spending 4+ hours mowing our grass! Sheep eat that stuff!
  • It's a logical step for a homesteader who likes to crochet.
  • Can we say cute?! They're like walking pillows!
  • Their wool is a source of income--albeit small--from our two wethers.
  • Our boys love animals. I was set on getting an animal that fulfilled the "pet" need but also another one or two needs!


These are our first livestock, so we're complete newbies. Any advice specific to wool sheep would be greatly appreciated!

We have about 3-4 weeks until they're ready to be picked up. Until then, we're sure to stay busy with fencing, barn building, and doing everything else needed for their arrival!

Stay tuned, these project posts will be coming up as we do them!

Thanks, and see you on the next post!
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