Reducing Red Meat in 2018 - A Matter of Health, Ethics, & Sustainability

With a new year comes new resolutions and for 2018, I am determined to begin cutting back on my meat consumption!

People cut meat from their diets for a variety of reasons - ethical, health, sustainability, etc. My reason is a combination of them all though it is mainly for the sustainability aspect. The rate at which we produce our resources and the methods we use to do so are lackluster to say the least. It takes much more water and land to produce beef than it does poultry… and exorbitantly more than plant life!

I don’t know if I ever want to transition to full vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, but I know that I at least want to cut back. So for the first half of 2018, my goal is to eliminate beef and pork from my diet. The second half of the year will be dedicated towards eliminating venison as well. Hopefully by the end of 2018, I will be enjoying a mostly red meat free diet!

I did this "challenge" during my college years and successfully avoided red meat for 2 full years so I know it is within my capabilities! I think the hardest part is simply getting back on the bandwagon by readjusting my mindset and go-to recipes.

This past week I avoided all forms of beef and pork, including the delicious smelling bacon that my family had for breakfast! I did snack on some garlic venison sticks from the deer my father shot at Wild Rose Acres this past hunting season… I hope they disappear from the fridge soon as they were extra tasty!

Wish me luck and follow along to see if I can continue this healthy habit!

Video by The Daily Conversation on Youtube.

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