Scrap Garden Ain’t So Scrappy Anymore!

Well actually it is still quite scrappy, but I’ve doubled the amount of seeds planted and am waiting to see which method works!

I planted another avocado pit in compost so now there are three (little pots situated furthest in back). The six lemon seeds (middle) are still waiting to sprout after soaking in hot water to start the germination process. I have six new lemon seeds in a small circle in the large pot (front) that soaked for a shorter period of time and dried slightly before planting.

One mulberry plant from @papa-pepper was gifted to my parents to plant on their land. It appreciates being out of its’ little pot and spreading its’ roots! I still have two that need to be planted at Wild Rose Acres (one may stay in a large pot until I find a permanent homestead).

Finally, I have another avocado pit in water using the toothpick method and I’m giving celery another go!

Cross fingers for scrap garden success!

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Photography taken by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared/reposted with proper accreditation.

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