The Best Homestead Donation from the Best Steemit Homesteader - Thank you @papa-pepper!!!

Today I opened my mailbox to find an exciting surprise - a package from @papa-pepper! Oh boy!

This man is the absolute best and if you’re not following him yet, I don’t know what you are doing with your time on Steemit! He is the homesteader that all homesteaders aspire to be and he willingly reaches out a hand to help whoever he can! So I wanted to thank @papa-pepper very much for his donation towards the Wild Rose Acres homestead!

I received multiple bare root mulberry clippings (which I’ve planted in temporary homes) and packages of seeds including popcorn, calendula, basil, etc. I will be researching them all carefully and writing Flora & Fauna features about them as I learn! Stay tuned to see them grow and (hopefully) thrive!

This just goes to show how inspiring Steemit is as a social platform and the amazing potential we have as members… I would never have expected to receive the support from followers or donations from people like @papa-pepper without the close knit community this website has. I hope to one day be able to reach out and help others as graciously and wholeheartedly.

Thank you again @papa-pepper! You rock!

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Photography taken by @kiaraantonoviche and may be shared / reposted with proper accreditation. Footer badges created by @daddykirbs and @allforthegood.

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