Received Next Years Seeds From Baker’s Creek

It has been a little while since I last posted about the happenings on the homestead, so I thought I would give a quick post and update. These last few weeks we have been preparing and planning for what our garden is going to look like next year. We are going to use several IBC tanks as raised beds and will have several other plots set aside for various things.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I am getting very excited about next year’s growing season. We were planning on trying some different heirloom varieties to find a couple that we really like. Our goal is to move away completely from hybrids and rely solely on the heirlooms seeds. So, this will be a big step toward that goal.

With such success and enjoyment from trying homegrown cilantro, we are going to grow several other types of herbs. We have been able to get and put back several varieties of herb seeds that we want to grow, so then we turned our attention to some of the other staple crops.


A few weeks ago, I had ordered some of these seeds to plant next year. Then they arrived a few days later. We ordered our seeds through a popular supplier called Baker’s Creek. They have a wide array of seeds consisting of different beans, peas, herbs, and just about kind of garden plant one can think of. Many of them are obscure and different, so if you’re looking for something that is not offered at a local store, then I would recommend looking there. Some of the different seeds that we ordered were corn, popcorn, several beans, peas, and ground cherries.

We have never grown some of these garden vegetables before, but I am hoping to give you my thoughts on some of these varieties and I hope you will join us for the growing season next year!

Thanks for reading!

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