Some Tasks We Need To Do Before Winter Comes

It has been extremely busy on the homestead these last several days. As winter is approaching, we have been trying to take steps, or plan to take steps, to prepare for the colder months ahead. A week long cold stretch has been making us kick things into gear to get everything set up.


Some of the things that we have already done were to collect seeds and get some food put back for the winter. This is was the easy part and just the beginning. As most of you know, winter can be long and cold, so there are some things that are essential we still need to get done.


Now we are trying to focus on what is left and trying to get those essentials completed. We have been turning our focus on things like wrapping up any leftover projects and getting hay for our cattle. Also we are getting our stock tank heaters and cleaning out barns/houses of the animals so that they will be ready with fresh bedding. Alongside this, we are going to have to start splitting wood. So needless to say, we have a lot planned in the coming weeks and I hope you will join us for the ride!

Thanks for reading!

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