Even December, the climate in my tropical country Philippines is still hot which is unusual. We do not notice the slow changes of the earth.

The earth is composed of its gaseous component: atmosphere, the substantial portion lithosphere, and the water which is hydrosphere. The atmosphere and hydrosphere associate with one another. The proof is the gradual changes of the weather.

Even the lithosphere that is consistent and strong is now changing. However there is no data showing the interaction of the earth to another world, but the change is gradual. The earth is the most active planet in the forthcoming revolution.

On your instinct, what are the evidence of the changing world?

Our world has received the dissimilar amount of the sunbeams of the sun. The other parts of the world can experience the different weather that is warmer. The regions surround the equator face the sun in the whole year. Those who dwell in the Pole regions can only encounter a rare sunlight.

In the Philippines where I lived, the weather is hotter. The Philippines can accept the daylight for the whole year. But there are some parts of this country with the different climate. The evidence is the plants in the region.

To prevent the fast-changing world, we should not depend on the world's safety to the other people but let the change begins with us.

At home, my mother keeps the plastic bottles for the plants. She used the old paints we used to our house so that it matches the color of the home's exterior. She bought one sack of soil and deposited to the plastic painted pot. Then she planted flowers and watered so it will grow faster. Now, the garden is beautiful. I love staying there because of the fresh air that can relax our anxious mind.

The most effective solution to prevent global warming and natural calamities is to keep those nonbiodegradable wastes at home instead of throwing anywhere or throwing in a garbage bin. We should use our creativity to keep our ecosystem clean. Ordinary people or not, each one is entitled to be qualified for cleaning our surroundings. In this way, we can save the world.

DISCLAIMER: The content and illustrations are original.

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