I'm 5'5 and this thing is bigger than a fucking Christmas tree, I don't even know if I could stand it up in my house!
That's what she said, literally...

I'm so happy with my tobacco this year...

A pic with some white behind it so you can better see how big this bad boy is.
The tobacco I have drying is starting to look pretty good too.

And in other news...

We have another broody hen!
For anyone just new to my blog, I have to inform you that our hens go broody a LOT. And now we've gotten to the point where we can't even have any more chicks we have wayyyyyyy too many. Luckily we have neighbours who are looking to expand their flocks, the first order for chicks is our friend Debbie. She requested 12 Easter Egger chicks...so I put in 13, lucky lucky 13.

The reason the eggs have her name on them is because other hens just love to lay their eggs with the broody hens, the more the merrier I guess. So, every day I have to face certain death by going in and lifting the broody hen up, getting pecked repeatedly, and trying to get the unmarked eggs out from under her.