Choosing The Ozarks - Homeschooling, Gun Laws, Raw Milk And Regulations 📷 [MY Video inside]


In a Steemit Exclusive! Jaimie and I answer questions about why we chose the area we did for homesteading? You won't find this video on YouTube as we've labeled it "unlisted".

The Ozarks covers a sizable area over southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas. It's a region covered in small hills and mountains with a variety of cultures and people groups scattered within. You could almost describe it as a state unto itself just known as "The Ozarks".

Believe it or not, the rural area of the Ozarks has lost population as people raise their families and move into the cities. The draw of technology, convenience and internet service has pulled many people from the Ozarks. Left behind are aging land owners with no children to pass the land down to and so it goes up for sale. That's where the homesteaders come in!

There is a small group of people who have decided to leave the cities for various reasons. Our reasons included;

  1. eventual financial collapse
  2. no healthy food in stores
  3. zoning and regulations
  4. high property taxes

Some folks are wanting to buy up this land that is going up for sale and begin building on it and enjoy some of the freedom that comes with it. They are frogs deciding to jump from pot that is ever increasing in temperature.

But the Ozarks is divided into two states and like it or not, those state laws effect our lives and the way we want to live. Which state is better? Which provides more freedom for Homeschooling, Gun laws, Raw milk and government regulations like building codes and zoning?



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