Our 1st Egg!!

This is it the moment we've been waiting 3 years for! Our first egg 😊 There is nothing more satisfying than producing your own food. Sure we've been able to produce a few dozen cucumbers this year but eggs are a whole other ball game!

cropped duck egg.png

I mentioned in another post that getting your first animals makes it feel like a proper homestead. Nothing embodies this idea more than your first egg. If getting your first animals is milestone 1, your first egg is milestone 2. So far I have not experienced anything more quintessential to homesteading than going out to feed the ducks and coming back with an egg. I actually messed up and though our hen was younger than she is so I was very surprised to come out to an egg on Sunday. Pretty much the best surprise EVER!


So what's next? We will be taking a class at the end of October that will allow us to sell eggs directly to consumers. This is legally required in the state of Georgia. Right now we only have one hen producing, our other 6 are 2 months younger so we will have our certification just in time if we decide to sell our excess eggs. This probably won't happen until we have more ducks since at most we will get 7 eggs a day and we will be using them to feed our pets as well as ourselves.

I also need to get myself a cute little collection basket and place to store them on the counter 😉

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