Our Christmas: Useful is ALWAYS appreciated!

(Blue Agnes Beans from Baker Creek. Aren't they pretty?!)

I LOVE useful gifts. Expensive, cheap doesn’t matter. If it makes my life easier or creates a healthier environment for my husband and I, I’m all for it. I love fun things as much as the next person but when things are tight financially it’s nice to get something you would have had to buy for yourself anyway that makes your life just a little bit easier. Maybe I’m weird or really old for my age who knows! What I do know is that Christmas surprised me this year.
The last few years it has been hard to get into the Christmas spirit. We have struggled ever since we moved here. We are used to living in an area that gets cold. Here it is frequently 60 degrees in December and we’re wearing short sleeves the day before Christmas. (It actually got a little cold on Christmas Day imagine that!) Anyway, we always come around Christmas morning and everything turns out better than expected. This year was no exception.

Chris got me one of the best gifts ever! This requires a little bit of explaining so bear with me.

The way our house is set up we needed 2 hoses to reach last year’s garden. We only had 2 hoses so I would unscrew the one attached to the well house from the second one, then walk it to the duck coop to fill their kiddie pool. This eventually became a huge pain in the butt. I had a hard time getting the threads to line up properly and there was probably some dirt in there which didn’t help. It was one of those things that got extremely frustrating having to do it every other day or so.

So far I am loving the spigot adaptor. In addition to this adaptor he got me a shut off valve for the end of the hose plus a 3rd hose! Now I can keep a hose in the duck coop that is always on. All I have to do to turn the valve at the end and fill the pool while I feed everyone.

(my new hose set up in the coop)

My in-laws were also on their game this year. They sent a leather cast iron handle cover and seeds from Baker Creek!! All of these will be planted in next year’s garden. I’m VERY excited about it!

All in all it was a great Christmas! What useful gifts did you get this year?

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