The Homestead Sees Freezing Temps: It's SNOWING!!!!


Oh my gosh IT'S SNOWING!!!! You guys have no idea how excited I am. Living in the south was never our first choice. We love winter and snow. We moved here from northern Japan and while it didn't get below zero like the extreme north, we did experience A LOT of snow. Over 100 inches a year and the rural Japanese very seldom plow the roads.

(Driving in Japan)

We miss Japan all the time and I think we would feel a little better if we lived someplace that gets a true winter. Chris hasn't seen snow since 2015. I got to visit Maryland in January 2016 and experience the major snow storm they had. As I write this I keep looking out the window enjoying the beautiful white view. We will be taking the dogs out for their first snow experience when I'm done!

(His first time seeing snow!)

A couple practical notes because I'm nothing if not practical. We did prepare for this cold snap a few days ago. I put a tarp on one side of the duck coop because we have a broody hen that is going to hatch chicks any day now. 35 days was actually yesterday! I also put a heat lamp in there to keep her small bowl of water from freezing. I actually did this yesterday because it froze last night. Yes!! We've had a couple days of freezing temps! We laid down extra bedding and made sure the hoses were drained of water.

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