Weekly Chicken Gazette Issue #13🐓

Welcome to this weeks issue of @mother2chicks Weekly Chicken Gazette Issue #13.

I was going to expand their run again, but between it being 90 degrees here all week and injuring my wrist that project will have to wait.

A little something different for today's issue for a bit of variety, fun chicken facts and artsy fartsy chicken art!

Fun Facts to Share at Your Next Hen Party

🐓When the conversation goes south you can always liven it up by spouting facts about chickens! What could be more exciting..

🐓Chickens are good teachers. Hens show their chicks what is good to eat and what is not.

🐓Chickens might be the closest living relative of the dinosaurs specifically the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

🐓Chickens speak in tongues. They have about 30 distinct vocalizations they use to communicate with each other. A warning cry for a predator on the ground is different from the cry for a predator coming from above.

🐓Chickens are copycats. The way a broody hen clucks can cause other hens to become broody. Remember Broody Brownie!

🐓Chickens begin talking with each other before chicks have even hatched. The hen makes a purring sound to the eggs and the chicks peep back. I had no idea.

🐓Chickens are docile at night. They go into trancelike state when they sleep and if you need to catch and handle a chicken that is not very tame, do it at night after the chicken has gone to roost. I can say this is absolutely true!

🐓Chickens can recognize you. It is believed that can recognize up to 100 different faces. Mine do come a running when they see me! I found these interesting facts in My Pet Chicken Handbook from Rodale

Now for a little Chicken art, I've been busy creating digital art just for my readers.
Instead of "Yard Birds" I have coined the term "Yarn Birds" to describe the selections below.




Weekly Egg Count
Sigh...18 this week, only four are consistently laying.

Purchases this week
Free hay from the feed store and 10lbs of Scratch

This Weeks Recipe
October Pumpkin Bread

1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree
4 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
2/3 cup water
3 cups white sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Grease and flour three 7x3 inch loaf pans (they make great gifts and can be frozen)
In a large bowl, mix together pumpkin puree, eggs, oil, water and sugar until well blended
In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger
Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until just blended
Pour into pans
Bake for about 50 minutes
Loaves are done when toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean

Stay tuned to @mother2chicks for next weeks Issue #14

All text and images owned by @mother2chicks

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