We can teach our children to be custodians of the Environment
Today, my 9 years old son (Frank-Kightley), my nephew (Marvelous-Miguel) and I had some quality time pruning flowers around our home.
I was amazed with how much skills my son had in pruning the flowers and all I did was to fine tune his skills so that he becomes a great guardian of plants. Together, we pruned one hedge from the south corner of our home and then he took his time to sweep and gather the leaves and branches from the pruning.
Next, we went to weed the lawn in front of the house and he was again very instrumental as he greatly assisted me in the weeding, gathered the weed and took it for composting.
Hey, we didn’t smoke the weed! Hahahahahahahaha
We took all the weed and cutoffs from the pruning to our nearby garden for composting. There he learned about composting and benefits of composting. In a few months, we shall commence farming vegetables in this our garden.
Today was really an exceptionally great day and I think its very important for us parents, to teach our children about homesteading and environmental issues so that they can become custodians of the environment.
Tomorrow we shall prune the hedge infront of the house, the hedge on the south side of the house as well as trim the carpet grass. We shall also gather more materials for our compost and initiate the composting.