Although the pace has slowed a little new homesteaders and preppers are appearing on steemit everyday.
We are now up to 150 !!
The addition of location grouping has proved popular so that is being continued with this edition.
Texas and Florida are still out in the lead with 10 each on the list. North Carolina is still in the running, and Canada is now making a good showing.
If anyone hasn't declared their location on their profile and would like it adding to the list let me know. Specifics aren't needed - just state or region will be fine.
To further aid with networking amongst Homesteaders and Preppers on steemit @greenacrehome has set up a SteemitHomesteaders group on Slack. It is very easy to use and a great way to chat with other homesteaders and preppers. Click this link to join :
Here is the latest list of homesteaders and preppers. My apologies if I have missed anyone from the list that has already contacted me - just post in the comments again. Or if you know anyone else who should be on the list let me know.
Homesteaders & Preppers on steemit (v6) :
- Body Matrix @bodymatrix [ Australia ] [ May-2017 ]
- christa @christa [ Australia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- nolnocluap @nolnocluap [ Australia ] [ May-2017 ]
- The Homestead Life @thehomesteadlife [ Australia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Duck Ponds Farm @duckpondsfarm [ Australia, Queensland ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Brian @thelifeofbrian [ Canada ] [ May-2017 ]
- robmc @robmc [ Canada ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- leemlaframboise @leemlaframboise [ Canada, Manitoba ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Lyndsay Bowes @lyndsaybowes [ Canada, Nova Scotia ] [ Sep-2016 ]
- Erinia @erinia22 [ Canada, Ontario ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- gardengirlcanada @gardengirlcanada [ Canada, Ontario ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- steemtobefree @steemtobefree [ Canada, Saskatchewan ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- jolly-homestead @jolly-homestead [ Canada, western ] [ May-2017 ]
- Alex E.B. Trapp @ecoinstant [ Colombia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- David Koblos @stortebeker [ Mexico ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Flatrider @flatrider [ Netherlands ] [ May-2017 ]
- madein-hisimage @madein-hisimage [ New Zealand ] [ May-2017 ]
- Cody @codypanama [ Panama ] [ May-2017 ]
- AspiePrepper @aspieprepper [ UK ] [ May-2017 ]
- eggmeister @eggmeister [ UK ] [ May-2017 ]
- Geordie Prepper @geordieprepper [ UK, Newcastle ] [ Dec-2016 ]
- Pennsif @pennsif [ UK, Wales ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- ajain @ajain [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- Country Musing @countrymusing [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Country Prepper @countryprepper [ USA ] [ May-2017 ]
- FreedomAcres @freedomacres [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- knowledge-seeker @knowledge-seeker [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MiniSteading @ministeading [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Papa Pepper @papa-pepper [ USA ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Sheepdog Man @sheepdogman [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- StoneHouse Homestead @stonehouse [ USA ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- clickinchicken @clickinchicken [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Garden of the Goats @goatgarden [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Kiara Antonoviche @kiaraantonoviche [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Scott Ireland @sireland [ USA, midwest ] [ May-2017 ]
- Primal Resist @primalresist [ USA, southeast ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- weetreebonsai @weetreebonsai [ USA, southern state ] [ May-2017 ]
- Steemit Homesteading @homesteader [ USA, Appalachians ] [ May-2017 ]
- AnAmericanHomestead @mericanhomestead [ USA, Ozarks ] [ May-2017 ]
- SimpleLifeHomestead @slhomestead [ USA, Ozarks ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Elew @elew [ USA, Rockies ] [ May-2017 ]
- Cog Hill Farm @coghill [ USA, Alabama ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- goforgreenliving @goforgreenliving [ USA, Alabama ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- My Alaska Dream @myalaskadream [ USA, Alaska ] [ May-2017 ]
- allforthegood @allforthegood [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- BLUER than Green @bluerthangreen [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2016 ]
- Bobblehead Homestead @bobbleheadstead [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- sarkhomestead @sarkhomestead [ USA, Arkansas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Anwen Baumeister @anwenbaumeister [ USA, California ] [ Jun-2016 ]
- jayjayjeffery @jayjayjeffery [ USA, Colorado ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- lone-sliver @lone-sliver [ USA, Colorado ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Coffee time @coffeetime [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Country Life @realistnews [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- Farm and Adventure @farmandadventure [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- hewetthomestead @hewetthomestead [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- mccreahomestead @mccreahomestead [ USA, Florida ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- mother2chicks @mother2chicks [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- Radio KAOS @radiokaos [ USA, Florida ] [ Jan-2017 ]
- ResistanceMedic @resistancemedic [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- trippinsaputos @trippinsaputos [ USA, Florida ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- VeganSilverStack @vegansilverstack [ USA, Florida ] [ May-2017 ]
- Basics To Living @basicstoliving [ USA, Georgia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Fluster Farm @flusterfarm [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MGeorgianHomestead @minighomestead [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Uncle Mike @unclemike [ USA, Georgia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Wholesome Roots @wholesomeroots [ USA, Georgia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- HVS @volcanosquad [ USA, Hawaii ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Wavemaster @wavemaster [ USA, Hawaii ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Alice Marie @alicemarie [ USA, Illinois ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Harold Thornbro @sthomestead [ USA, Indiana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- minigrowl @minigrowl [ USA, Indiana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Carpenterbee @carpenterbee [ USA, Iowa ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- 1919homesteader @farmhomestead19 [ USA, Kansas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- High Tech Homestead @hths [ USA, Kansas ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Serenity Valley Farm @svfarms [ USA, Kentucky ] [ May-2017 ]
- bctruck @bctruck [ USA, Lousisana ] [ May-2017 ]
- Amber @amberyooper [ USA, Michigan ] [ May-2017 ]
- GoldenD's Homestead @goldendawne [ USA, Michigan ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Homestead Dad @homesteaddad [ USA, Michigan ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- J&J Acres @jandjacres [ USA, Mississippi ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- agsurrection @agsurrection [ USA, Missouri ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- BackRdAdventures @backrdadventures [ USA, Missouri ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Sufficientliving @sufficientliving [ USA, Missouri ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- mtgoat @mtgoat [ USA, Montana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Rivers Edge @riversedge [ USA, Montana ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- bradys @bradys [ USA, Nebraska ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Backstage @backstage [ USA, Nevada ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Iridium242 @iridium242 [ USA, Nevada ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TEOTWAWKI Man @teotwawkiman [ USA, Nevada ] [ May-2017 ]
- bchick @bchick [ USA, New Hampshire ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- b-n-angel @b-n-angel [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Chris Florio @florio [ USA, North Carolina ] [ May-2017 ]
- Green Acre Homestead @greenacrehome [ USA, North Carolina ] [ May-2017 ]
- Off Grid Nation @offgridnation [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Prepared Suburbanite @prepsub [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Pyramid John @foodisfree [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Sir Cork @sircork [ USA, North Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Big Family Homestead @bfhomestead [ USA, Ohio ] [ May-2017 ]
- Dr. Prepper @drprepper [ USA, Ohio ] [ May-2017 ]
- Bill and Rosa @billandrosa [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- EngineerPrepper @engineerprepper [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ May-2017 ]
- Oily's Humble Home @oilyshumblehome [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- theoklaprepper @theoklaprepper [ USA, Oklahoma ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Farmstead @farmstead [ USA, Oregon ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Haphazard Homestead @haphazard-hstead [ USA, Oregon ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- Beyond Mountains @beyondmountains [ USA, Pennsylvania ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Hollywood @hollywoodsfarm [ USA, Pennsylvania ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- solarparadise @solarparadise [ USA, South Carolina ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- wbrianjolly @wbrianjolly [ USA, South Carolina ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- My Lil Homestead @mylilhomestead [ USA, Tennessee ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Better Together @bettertogether [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Daddykirbs @daddykirbs [ USA, Texas ] [ May-2017 ]
- DeaconTom @deacontom [ USA, Texas ] [ May-2017 ]
- Everitt Mickey @everittdmickey [ USA, Texas ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- katedansyng @katedansyng [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Prairie Hawk Jenn @jenncapestany [ USA, Texas ] [ Oct-2016 ]
- Silversmyth @silversmyth [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TheTexasBoys @texasboys [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- The Toasted Rabbit @toastyrabbits [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- TXbogey @txbogey [ USA, Texas ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- bthomson @bthompson [ USA, Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- prep4shtf @prep4shtf [ USA, Virginia ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- saved4newlife @saved4newlife [ USA, Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Southern Va Patriot @timmo3663 [ USA, Virginia ] [ May-2017 ]
- Leafhopper Farm @leafhopperfarm [ USA, Washington State ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Rain Country @raincountry [ USA, Washington State ] [ May-2017 ]
- RaisingSawyer @raisingsawyer [ USA, Washington State ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- nicholasj @nicholasj [ USA, Wisconsin ] [ May-2017 ]
- B @brdapwll [ USA? ] [ May-2017 ]
- gulfcoastprepper @gulfcoastprepper [ USA? ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Ken King @stacking9mm [ USA? ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- [ USA? ] [ Aug-2016 ]
- TeeRx @teerx [ USA? ] [ Feb-2017 ]
- warnerhomestead @warnerhomestead [ USA? ] [ May-2017 ]
- Arte Della Vita @artedellavita [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- bellhomestead @bellhomestead [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- ClarkFarmstead @clarkfarmstead [ ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- Guide Prepper @guide.prepper [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- habzhomestead @habzhomestead [ ] [ Jul-2017 ]
- LazyPrepper @lazyprepper [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- MiniSteading @ministeading [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- nefey1117 @nefey1117 [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- newprepper @newprepper [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- NowhereHomestead @nowherehomestead [ ] [ May-2017 ]
- preparedwombat @preparedwombat [ ] [ Apr-2017 ]
- quietacres @quietacres [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- SiloƩ Oliveira @siloe [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- Simply 7 Living @simply7living [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- So Guided @guided [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
- waykiwayki @waykiwayki [ ] [ Jun-2017 ]
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