Preppers & Homesteaders on steemit - the updated list v2

Wow... I've been overwhelmed by the response to the list of preppers and homesteaders I posted on Sunday.

It's really inspiring to see that there are already so many homesteaders and preppers on steemit. This could be a great platform for sharing ideas and making connections.

Hopefully the list will help us all. If we follow each other and upvote and resteem posts that we feel should be shared more widely then all homesteaders and preppers on steemit should benefit.

The list has certainly grown - now with over 50 on it. I'm sure there will be some more that I haven't found yet and new people are joining every day. If you do come across any other homesteaders or preppers who aren't on the list point them in my direction and I will add them to version 3.

To add a bit more value and geographical context to the list I've included the location where it was stated. Apologies if I have made any mistakes with this - please do update me.

Here is the Preppers & Homesteaders on steemit list v2 :

If you are on the list and don't want to be my apologies. Let me know and I'll remove you.

If you know of anyone else who should be on the list please comment below.

For reference the first version of the list is here :


If you would like to know a bit more about me read my intro post :


Please upvote and resteem to spread the word if you think this worthwhile. Thank you.

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