My Heirloom and GM Free Vegetable Garden 2017-Photos - Life In Wales

It was hard year In the Garden this year, not only did we have the storms to contend with but there was at one time 3 dogs jumping everywhere.

None the less it was a fruitful year with some disappointments but that’s gardening!

Starting in early January the preparation started with populating seeds indoors – Chilli and Peppers and towards the end of February there were by Broadbeans. They always grow well for me!

I invested in some rather cheap and useless plastic Greenhouses for my peppers and Chillis however storm after storm resulted in them being strewn across the road and into a hedge.

Broadbeans still going strong

However a better investment I made was in some planters this year. They were homemade from a man in Plymouth. I love them they are awesome. It was backbreaking sieving all the compost by hand. I used just compost in my first planter which was for Cauliflower and Broccoli. The rest especially the courgette planter I used a lot of manure.

Getting there!

More seeds going in

Carrots starting to show

Broccoli and Cauliflower Starting to show

Courgette and Broccoli growing!

All 4 planters and Greenhouse

The Carrots are starting to show, always get tempted to pull them too early!

Onions or Leeks not sure

Courgettes coming along nicely

My one Tomato!

Some of the Courgette Harvest

Turnip X Swede variety

First pull of my Carrots

Two Tomatos

I've really enjoyed my Garden this Year and sharing it with the Steemit Community. Sharing tips and growing hints has been really helpful.

As I've grown a Vegetables for the last 3 years, im debating doing wild flowers this year to help the local Bees. So if anyone is a good flower gardener come my way!

Also my planters have been used as a cat litter tray and I don't have the heart to grow food in their at the moment!!

Best of luck to your 2018 gardens fellow homsteaders! I look forward to seeing them grow!

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