A day setting up a new sawmill

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful here. It felt like mid spring, especially after weeks of grey skies.

InShot_20180221_101147536.jpgThe saw head had to come off the pallet first

I was able to get the sawmill off the pallet and all lined up. I had no idea how much would be involved in just uncrating it!
You can see in this pic from last week how compact it was. I was surprised to see that many of the components are actually installed backwards or upside down in order to make it easier to ship. So, I had to take it apart in order to put it together. All the components are also bolted to the pallet.

IMG_20180218_131256_551.jpgFrom the other day to show how it started out

IMG_20180220_135035.jpgGetting the feet installed

I was able to get the rails lined up with their feet installed with some blocks underneath so they don't sink into the ground.

IMG_20180220_141104.jpgAll lined up with the legs on

The most harrowing moment was having to use the pallet forks to lift the saw head off the pallet. There is only millimeters of clearance before you hit the motor. This saw head was just swinging as it hung there. I have never driven the tractor so carefully. Another full day and I should have it operational.

IMG_20180221_091927_882.jpgWifey keeping the sawmill from swimming violently while moving

IMG_20180221_095642_01~2.jpgMoving saw head

IMG_20180221_095657_01~2.jpgBeautiful day!

All the pictures and words here are my own original work unless quoted and sourced. #steemitusa #homesteadersonline

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