Rejuvelac! Have you ever heard of it?

Rejuvelac! Have you ever heard of it? I hadn’t until 3 weeks ago.

Rejuvelac is considered a "wild fermentation" drink because the grain sprouting process produces active enzymes in the cultured water which helps it become a super sprout drink. You would never have convinced me that water sitting around for a couple of days with sprouted grains in it would taste good, before now, but the fermentation process actually produces a clean, light citrus tasting drink.

You will need a Quart or 1/2 Gallon jar
A mesh lid or Ring and some cheese cloth
Grain (I used wheat berries)

Take ½ Cup of dry grain and rinse it thoroughly in clean pure water.

Soak it overnight, or about 8 hours, in a one-quart mason jar with a loose lid. I used cheese cloth on top.

Place a clean mesh lid on the top of the jar and strain out the soak water. I used cheese cloth on top.

Fill the jar again with filtered water, stir and strain again.

Flip the jar over, with the mesh lid (or cloth with a rubber band) angled downward, into a dish to drain.

Rinse your jar of grains once or twice a day.

Watch for little sprouting white hairs after day one (tails), it usually takes between 1-3 days depending on the room temperature and grain variety.

Place sprouted grain in a large jar with a top that allows air to circulate. Add 4 cups of water and let it sit on the counter for 2 to 3 days. You will notice that the water will get cloudy and little bubbles will start to form.

Taste what you have so far—it should taste clean, fresh, and slightly citrusy. Strain the rejuvelac liquid and store it in the refrigerator in a covered glass container. It will last about a week, and you can reuse the wheat berries to make a second batch.


  • Introduces friendly lacto-bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract
  • Encourages regular bowel movements
  • Helps to remove toxins and excess undigested waste material
  • Is a rich source of lactobacillus acidophilus. This is the good bacteria usually found in miso, yogurt, tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir and other fermented foods. Probiotics like acidophilus are what crowd out harmful pathogens that cause problems like inflammation.
  • Vitamins A, B, C, and E are present in Rejuvelac as well as other essential nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and phosphates. All these nutrients basically boosts the immune system and makes the body healthier overall.
  • Regular consumption of rejuvelac is also said to help lessen any inflammatory processes that occur in some parts of the body


  • You can make two batches from a single round of sprouts, and they'll each taste a little different. Just add new water back and only wait 24 hours. The second batch needs to be drank soon, it seemed to sour a little bit faster. You may enjoy that taste.
  • If you don't want to eat the spent sprouts, feed to your fowl or add to compost
    Wheat berries, rye, and quinoa make for the best rejuvelac, but you can also use lentils, buckwheat, or any other type of grain. I have made 4 batches and used Soft Wheat Berries each time.
  • Make sure all your equipment is thoroughly clean and sanitary to avoid spoilage.
    Rejuvelac is sometimes used as a liquid culture starter for other fermented foods, like nut or seed cheeses.


All images are my own point and clicks.

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