Bounties of the Land Episode 9: Video and Photo Shoot, Winter Crops, Success in Diversity, Super Foods and Eden Family Cameo!

Welcome to a new Episode of Bounties of the Land!

(Yes its true not only do I wear a hand painted Steemit caps, but I also have hand painted boxer shorts....HARDCORE! Oh and yea thats also hand made pure gem stone jewelry available for $teem!)

In todays Episode I go over the changing of seasons, planting new crops and sustainable success in diverse growing methods!

(Yes its true not only do I wear a hand painted Steemit caps, but I also have hand painted boxer shorts....HARDCORE! Oh and yea thats also hand made pure gem stone jewelry available for $teem!)

I have a really nice video with special guests appearances by @everlove and @qiqi-power !

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

In fact @qiqi-power just made a post tonight on her harvesting her own vegetables from the garden AND making her own salad! Thats right not only does this 6 year old eat salads, but she harvests from the land and makes them her self!

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

Ok so now onto this video full of Steemy inside details to our life and insightful information to sustainable new paradigm homesteading!

I hope you watched this video as it really is a GEM!

I am not going to invest the time in writing about the video as all the valuable info is in the video and its quite entertaining, so WATCH IT!

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

Super special thanks to @qiqi-power for being SO AMAZING!

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

Be sure to check her out if you want to see some of the most real and inspiring content on Steemit!

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

Special thanks to @everlove for not only being one of the best people I have ever met but for the constant contributions to a better world and The Garden of Eden. 

Any photo that I don't take but I use is likely taken by her. One of her many contributions. 

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

While Eden Knights come and go from the vortex that is The Garden of Eden I am grateful that there are always people who want to experience and participate in sustainable, honorable living!

All the jewelry in this post and all other posts is designed by me and made either by my hands or by someone working for my jewelry line. I just made a post about the special pieces I am wearing in this video/post. 

If you liked this episode you may like other episodes I have done. This is the 9th so there are 8 more before!

Here is my last Episode, one of purple beauty!  The American Beauty Berry!

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

I hope this post was informative, inspiring and enjoyable!

Now here is the short video of the harvest and taste test!

You can check out my last Bounties of the Land (Preparing For Winter) here if you so desire. 

(All Photos are either taken by me or my camera if not by me then by @everlove. All Steem Gear is designed by me and made in @gardenofeden and made available to YOU for $teem)

I love photography, because it is a way to capture so much beauty and the best way to share with the world!

As Always I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!


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