Wal-Mart and What You Support When You Buy to Supply Your Homestead


Many of you know the devastation Wal-Mart can cause when it moves into a small town. Small family businesses are sometimes forced to close since they cannot compete with the prices. This often leaves them with no choice but to go work for Wal-Mart in some cases. Wal-Mart has the one of the lowest average worker salaries in the United States and the most employees on government welfare.

This often forces us homesteaders with no choice to buy from them as well. We have one feed store and a Dollar General in the town I live, but for most supplies we have to drive into a larger town about 30 minutes away. This year we had to buy our mason jars for canning food from Wal-Mart because there was simply nowhere else around that has them.

I feel a little shameful every time I purchase from them, but I wish there was an alternative without having to order online. Even on Amazon the prices were twice as much because of the shipping cost.

You can see from what I've drawn out how there's obviously some hidden symbolism in their name and logo. Do you think it's a coincidence that 666 appears in their logo? 6 points, 6 triangles, and a 6 sided pentagon in the middle. Is Wal-Mart just getting a bad rap from conspiracy theorists? Let me know about your experience with Wal-Mart.


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