This year I am growing flint and dent corns for fall/winter sustenance. I am very much looking forward to grinding the corn and enjoying cornbread, tortillas, chips, empanadas and more :) The first rule of Permaculture is to obtain a yield!
I am trialing 14 varieties of corn in these beds for comparison and possible breeding. Here is some of my corn. In front are potatoes and Dalhias.
Side view. The taller corn stalks are already over 8 feet!!
Turns out that Tomatillos LOVE growing with the corn. The stalks provide shade and support.
Black beans are starting to vine up the corn and look super happy! Say hello to one of our garden companions.
Winter storage squash is starting to spread out under the corn.
This is what the beds looked like when they were first prepped. The grass is mulching newly planted potatoes.
I used a rake to scratch some line into the soil for planting the corn. Dropped in the kernels and patted it down. My spacing was rather tight and came back and thinned the corn.
Once planted the beds were lightly mulched with grass clippings. The planting was about 2 months and 10 days ago.
Here was the very beginning of prepping the beds: Loosening the soil and grass with broadfork.
Last week tassles appeared and now corn ears are forming :)
It's incredible to see the strong adventitious roots jump down into the soil and grab more hold!
Peppers are also enjoying some shade below the corn.
I'm happy to see purslane thriving down there!
Gardening is so fun and rewarding... Thanks for checking out my corn patch!