My Ultimate Homesteading Resource - Love, Gratitude and Honor - Steemit HomesteadingChallenge #6

My favorite homesteading resources are my homestead heroes, a married couple dedicated to practicing and teaching sustainability. My homestead heroes have helped me in countless ways. I volunteered on their Permaculture homestead on and off last year for 8+ months.

I have a beautiful photo of my heroes that I would love to post and share but instead I will respect their privacy. In its place I am sharing this Day Lily from their garden that represents my appreciation for them.

Their love, generosity, support and courage blooms over and over again in a radiant display.


The most valuable lesson my heroes have taught me

through their own example, is to stay true to their ethics. In the face of hardships they repeatedly strive for sustainability, love, building good karma and generosity.

In the light of massive emotional and physical challenges

my heroes continually redefined their goals to be less self motivated and more motivated by the reward of helping others, directly and indirectly.

Likewise through their own challenges of ego

they come out of the shadows maintaining drive to serve a greater purpose.

Through my heroes' example I have learned to challenge and reshaped my own code of ethics. In gardening for example I have slowly shifted from wanting to grow good food for myself, friends and family - to wanting to help improve the planet for any or all future generations. This lesson has helped me to see others' children as family, to see other humans as brothers and sisters, and thus to see future generations as my own great grand children.

My homestead heroes challenge themselves to live true to their ethics every day

and to continually improve their ethics. They walk their own talk, unlike so many others.

It is evident to me that these traits illustrate years of dedicated internal work that my heroes underwent.

My homestead heroes embody much honor in ethical sustainability.

From planting trees to washing and reusing plastic wrap. From carpooling to giving away home grown food. From sharing knowledge to sharing inspiration. From dreaming of abundance that can be shared with the needy to opening hearts to strangers.

My homestead heroes have never missed a beat when I needed advice or had a burning question, trivial or massive. Constantly putting aside their own problems, stress or contemplation to help me answer a question, solve a problem or offer a new angle.

Perhaps this inspiration would not have been possible without living intimately in their home and helping them with a project they were most passionate about. The outcome was humbling, inspiring and gratifying. I have learned lessons that will last me a lifetime - even still they are ready as a go to homesteading resource.


This post was inspired by the #homesteadingchallenge number 6 by @kiaraantonoviche which can be seen here.

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