Small Scale Organic Food and Farming Job Boards in USA - For Job Seekers and Posters

Being that it's almost spring season there are a lot of new food and farming jobs starting to pop up. This is the best time to be looking for a new food related job or seasonal work!

I am not as active in searching farm jobs as I was the last two years, but I thought I would post these great resources in case it helps anyone else out their in researching organic farming jobs. They would also be great places to post your job opportunity if you are looking for help!

This is not an exhaustive list of employment opportunities but it was what I found to be reliable sources in my own search. I was personally looking for Permaculture type jobs on small farms or homesteads. But there is a great variety of opportunities posted in these resources from field crew to farm managers, from delivery drivers to chefs, from market managers to outreach coordinators.

For those of you looking for food and farming related work... I hope it helps and good luck with your search!


This is a very active email list where members post job opportunities for all to receive by email. I highly recommend signing up (you can unsubscribe anytime).

Good Food Jobs

A very user friendly way to search food and farming related jobs. This job board is one of the more sophisticated ones in that you can narrow down your search pretty well. The best part is that once you're happy with your search criteria, you can subscribe to it by email. And you can do that with multiple searches. I set up one automatic search for each state I was looking in.

Eco Farm - Ecological Farming Association

This is a pretty wide ranging and very active job list. You can subscribe to new jobs by email which is handy.

A fairly active job board. You will find an interesting gamut of types of farms and opportunities here. I don't think you can subscribe by email, but it's worth checking periodically.

Sustainable Food Jobs

Another active job listing with the option to subscribe by email. You cannot search by location but they do a great job of organizing by state and region.

MOSES: Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service

Organic farming opportunities specific to the Midwest region - WWOOF / Organic Farm Volunteers / Interns / Jobs

A very active Permaculture discussion board. This happens to be one of the sections in the forum. It could be worth checking/posting to if you are looking for a Permaculture related job or gig.

Word of Mouth

Probably the best way to find a local job is by networking with local farmers, volunteering on farms, getting to know the community which is most likely small and tight knit. I talked to one farmer that got his career started when he moved by knocking on the doors of 5 local farms and telling them he was looking for work. He got hired by one of them almost immediately. He ended up on the board of Oregon Tilth and farmer/owner of over 100 acres. To me that is a testament to word of mouth!


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