My Entry to Freedom Challenge #3: How Do You Express Your Freedom?

Hello again my friends, here is my answer to a question for a challenge run by @sagescrub. And no worries for those of you who are following, I did not forget about our own Dreams Come True Challenge, I will soon post an answer to my own prompt as well...

How Do You Express Your Freedom?

I think I may have to refer to my entries to the previous Freedom Challenges a little.

  • The first one was about defining what freedom means to me, and my simple answer was being able to do what I want or more accurately to live the way I want to live, without anyone telling me otherwise.
  • The second prompted me to answer the question of what is keeping me from feeling completely one with my version of freedom. Simply put, I went with the restrictive shackles that have been imposed on us in reference to what we are allowed to do with with the land we own, such as building codes, high cost of health (economically and mentally), and living amongst sheep and their eagerness to sue anyone as if it was a lottery system or a get rich quick scheme. Oh, I guess the latter of the two is probably exactly what it is!

What I do to express my freedom...

I believe there are many thing I actively get involved in which could be considered expressing my freedom. For one I have had a dream to build a homestead for a long time and this is coming to fruition as winter is fading away!!! In the beginning, I wasn't calling what we wanted to build a homestead, I probably hadn't heard of the term unless it was meant for a squat, I thought it was the politically correct term for taking over an abandoned building, fixing it and making it a comfortable rent free place to live (not to be confused with the shooting gallery). Anyway I know now that I wasn't really far off from the meaning of the word, but I do know that it is not restricted to empty buildings in larger cities.

We want to live off the land regardless of what the law says (turns out we are allowed to live 100% off the grid on the property we found)...while the term off grid has many different level of intensity, I think what the town's building inspector meant to say was that there are no restrictions on being off the utility grid.

That being said, I don't know if the decision makers have been educated on the subject of Humanure. One of the main points I want for this homestead is the ability to NOT create any sewage what so ever. I wasn't sure how to word that one but I think it comes through right?

We have had the property for a little less than a year. We have been weekend woriors but come June 2018 we will be there full time! The compost toilets have worked great and we are following the guidelines provided by Mr. Joseph Jenkins and his Humanure Handbook and some other sources from Europe and Australia, so when it is ready we will have it all tested to see if we can grow food with it!

We are also growing food and foraging, not so much at the moment but we have grown tomatoes on a Brooklyn fire escape and we now have a community garden near by where we live and we have been able to eat from it. I have been learning about mushrooms and plant medicine to eventually makes tinctures. Hopefully this skill will ward off the doctors as much as possible!

Foraged Black Rasberries from No Man's Land for Breakfast!

But the way I most have been expressing my freedom is through traveling the world whenever I wish. I have learned to not be afraid of change and that is what kept me working as a free lancer all these years. It's kind of the best of both worlds, I work for someone which means I usually don't have to find clients but I make myself available for work mostly when I need it (I don't pick my own hours, but I do pick my own days)!

I kind of could keep going a little while but I think we're good where we are for now...I don't want to divulge all my secrets in one post, it would be too long (I can ramble on you know) Love, Art, Doacracy....

Please head over to @sagescrub's page and here's The Freedom Challenge.... make an entry it'll be fun!


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If you really want to know what is inside this Coconut, take a look at my #HumansOfSteemit entry HERE.

~ QUOTE OF THE MONTH (@Olawalium) ~
I want love to be the trend and laziness to be a thing of the past.


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