Dream Job, Pet Chickens and Gardens Galore!

Meow meow friends! Hello! Today I am excited to share some photos and updates on my life here in the Okanagan, where the smoke has quilted the sky and everything is on fire. Still, beauty is abound, even if you can't see the sky.

First off, have a look at my chicken haha. This is Muzumi (and Ryan the Ninja) our barnyard mix little chicken friend. He/she hangs out with us a lot, and gets special privileges like being allowed in my garden and in the house and who gets too many treats. Its super fluffy and somewhat cuddly for a chicken, and Ryan has bought a clicker to train it to poop in a certain spot and come to us too.... it is taking a while though lol, chickens are not terribly easy to train. 

 Here is Muzumi on our new hugel bed that Ryan is helping build in my garden!

Along with Muzumi, more exciting things have happened. Last week I was really trying to find a good job that would work with my life, which is super hard honestly, and I was getting desperate. Too desperate, and so I reminded myself to just surrender to the universe and have faith that things will work out as they should, as long as I had intention and kept looking.

I was even reading a book on Findhorn, and in that book I read about a similar situation when one of the founders could not find work, but was reminded by inner guidance to have faith, keep searching, and the right thing to do will show itself as long as you look. It was pretty relatable, so much so I teared up a little bit! With berry season over, no work from my dad and Steem so low we have been struggling a bit and eating a lot out of my garden haha (thank goodness). 

However I had faith and surrendered, and then, just like that, the perfect opportunity arrived! I saw a posting in Permaculture Kelowna by a friend of mine, Gabe Cipes, who is in charge of the organic gardens at my favorite local business and winery, Summerhill! He was looking for a permaculture assistant to help with harvesting in his garden, a job that I have wanted since I started working for them last year. It is a dream come true! And lucky for me, he knew that I would be good for the job, and is adaptable to my odd situation of living up a mountain. I started the next day, picking veggies and herbs and edible flowers! A dream for real!

I listened to Susan Weed podcasts and lots of music, picked basil and stuff, and generally enjoyed myself and made some money too. How lucky am I? The universe gave me what I needed and desired, and gave me an opportunity that will surely lead to more knowledge, practical experience and more opportunities. It is beautiful.  I will become rich in spirit from this new job, and thank the universe, and thank Summerhill and Gabe for blessing me. 

Also, this song is my theme song right now. It is AMAZING. 

These past couple months have been more then intense, foggy and confusing for me and many of my friends... I suppose I could blame the eclipses, planets and stars. I see it as leveling up though, I know soon in the future it will all make more sense. Hopefully, soon, the smoke clears both figuratively and literally! Here is a pic of Summerhill gardens, in the distance you only see smoke but really a lake, mountains and beautiful views of the city exist. 

The fog is literal, slowing everyone and everything down. Everything is on fire and is hazy around here, we even had a close call on our mountain about a month ago. So much to do! But its so hot and hazy it is hard to find the energy. Oh well, I do look forward to fall and the cool weather, although not so much to winter. Time to start getting serious about firewood haha.

Anyways, I think that is about all I will say for today. I am glad to be writing and sharing again though! With the haze I cant be outside so much. Thank you all for visiting and enjoying my photos and writing, I hope to hear from you guys in the comments and see your posts too! 

Have a lovely day meow!


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