Bring up Money in a conversation, and you're sure to get a mixed bag of responses. Anything from embarrassment about debt, defensiveness about size of salary, pride about earnings, anxiety about name it, someone has felt it. On our homestead, we have chosen to see money as a tool, the same as a saw, a mixing bowl, a length of rope. It has a use and a place, but we have decided that it is neither the focus or's just a resource that we need to use as wisely as our water.
We're certainly not cavalier about it, though! We make it a point to live frugally, but it's really a source of joy for us. We enjoy the "game" of seeing how we can save every month. Recently, Rain Country Homestead ( @raincountry ) asked us to join them on a collaboration to share how we save money on our homestead, and we were happy to oblige! Below, you'll find our video of money saving tips and ideas. Click here--> for the rest of the playlist of the other homesteads who are participating.
We'd love to hear ideas from you, too! You don't have to be a homesteader to have fabulous tips on how to live simply and frugally. What have you tried, and what works for you?
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