The Homestead Kitchen


Welcome to my kitchen

Welcome to the heart of our homestead. If you were here I would be pouring you some tea or popping the cork on a bottle of parsnip wine, while offering you a bowl of berries or some cookies (depending on the season). You might politely say "don't go to any trouble"but I would respond with "don't be silly! Have some of these, they're re-ea-ll-ly good" You'll end up eating a few because I am bossy. That's how it always goes.


Functional, not fancy

Our kitchen is a functional space and certainly not the type you'll find in home decorating magazines. It's pretty cool being a log cabin and all but it is not fancy. The sink is dented and scuffed, the counter tops are a worn and the cupboard doors don't quite close properly. It's a happy place though and I think that's what matters most.


In place of a dishwasher and microwave you'll find fermenting crocks and a wood stove. Does anyone else hand wash their dishes? I find it so relaxing. Dishwashers are so noisy and I have never figured out how they actually make life easier. I have been anti-microwave for a lot of years. I haven't suffered one bit through my lack of owning one.

A stick for a curtain rod? Why not?

There are herbs, flowers and garlic hanging from beams. The curtain rods are made from twigs, gathered from the nearby woods. There are folk art pottery bowls hung on the walls and frilly lace curtains to add some cheer. Nothing fancy, just things that make me happy. If you were to stand and look out the window by the sink you would notice a heart shaped pebble and a feather on the window sill. They serve no purpose but belong there alongside my pressure canner weights all the same.


A place for creativity

This is a place of creativity. Baskets of food are often strewn across the dinner table waiting to be turned into delicious creations. Buckets and crocks of food and wine bubble and bloop. There's vinegar hidden in various cupboards. Sometime I forget about them but eventually someone will open that cupboard and discover them again.

There is usually a big pot simmering on the stove and jars cooling on the counters letting off the occasional ping, letting me know they have sealed. The kitchen is always in a state of near disaster except for when I have carefully tidied up to take a perfectly positioned photo.


Cast iron cooking

The cast iron is on display for convenience and function. There simply isn't enough space in the cupboards to put them away. A cast iron pan will last your lifetime and can be handed down for generations. You can cook anything in one, don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise. We only cook with cast iron or enamelled cast iron. Once you try it you'll never go back to the modern stuff.


A well stocked pantry

The pantry is my pride and joy. If you were here I would have dragged you into the pantry for a tour before you had your coat off. I get really excited about food and canning and love writing about it too. You can read about our homestead food rebellion if you are interested. Adding jars to these shelves never gets old. It's really comforting to know there is always something to eat in the house.


The outdoor kitchen

Sometimes when it’s too hot to work in the kitchen we'll set up our makeshift outdoor canning kitchen. It's nothing fancy but makes canning a lot more pleasant on hot days. It has a large table, portable propane burners, and a nearby watering station. I will eventually build a real outdoor kitchen but for now, this does the trick.


There you have it, that's the general workings of our homestead kitchen. Stop by any-time! If you love food, pantries, canning, brewing and all that wonderful stuff I would LOVE to see your kitchen, pantry and projects!!

Be well,


If you like this post you might also enjoy:

The Homesteader's Food Rebellion
Homesteading: A Lonely Affair

Follow me @walkerland


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